Assisting you on your human path…

I wish to serve humanity and provide assistance to anybody seeking support, knowledge and tools along their own unique human path. Being a human can be magical and wonderful, it can also be debilitatingly difficult. I wish to hold space for people while they are experiencing these extremes of duality on the physical plane we call home, and for all of the experiences in between. Each person finds truth in the beliefs and ideas that fit them in that moment. I do not pretend to know any of the answers, but wish to help people figure out their truth and the tools and love to implement to make their path the best it can be. As we enter the Age of Aquarius we are breaking down the old paradigms of the Age of Pisces and creating something brand new. The Ages of Pisces was aligned with following a religious leader. The Ages of Aquarius is about being guided towards one’s inner authority. This is what I wish to do, assist people in finding their own power from within.

Highly intuitive and empathic since I can remember I had a difficult journey towards finding empowerment and spiritual information that felt pragmatic and made sense to me. I studied Early Childhood Education for a few years at University, then changed to Psychology. Although I loved the content, I didn’t finish my degree, instead I followed my heart and began taking every psychic development and Reiki course available to me and devoured spiritual books and information as if it was my new University course. I felt confused and lost during those years of changing course, now I can see so clearly why I needed to understand how to educate, how to understand the human mind from a scientific point of view, and from a spiritual sense. Now I wish to continue to combine these elements to play my role in the breaking down of the old, creating the new and assisting those who also feel called to do the same. I do this through working with clients on Skype, creating YouTube videos and the creation of healing Oracle Decks.