Assisting you on your human path…
I am a Blue Angel author and spiritual mentor passionate about connecting deeply with my readers and clients. I love to provide the compassionate wisdom and support that feels right to you. I believe validating the very real pain of the human path and spiritual awakening is first and foremost. I will always apply that nurturing validation with logical and honest advice delivered with tender care. I studied Education and Psychology at Uni before leaving to pursue as much spiritual knowledge as I could get my hands on. I have used a blend of psychology, education, mythology, Reiki and various spiritual information and tools to work with clients from all over the world since 2016. From YouTube, to worldwide clients and self-publishing to over 40 countries, I created Goddess Within Oracle, and Divine Masculine Healing Oracle with Blue Angel. I love to provide transformative tools that my clients can access at any time. As I continue to embark on my author journey, I wish to create more close connections with new clients seeking loving support on their journey.